Friday 14 March 2014

2+3. Your favourite book character(s)+A quote you like

I didn't post yesterday, sorry. Whoops.
So I'm posting now.

I'm really terrible at drawing in general, so naturally I botched my favourite book characters. But I think I did well with the quote ^_^

The writing is hard to read. From left to right: Katniss (Hunger Games), Hermione (Harry Potter) and Liesel Meminger (The Book Thief)
And now for the quote.
If you didn't know already, I'm kind of obsessed with Sherlock (if you've never heard of Sherlock, I'm disappointed in you. If you have heard of it but haven't watched it, google it and watch it, you're missing out on a lot). So, I illustrated a quote from Sherlock (Season 2, A Scandal in Belgravia). It's my best work, I'm really proud of it.
"Brainy is the new sexy." -Irene Adler (Sherlock season 2, A Scandal in Belgravia)
Just kidding. That is a terrible silhouette of Benedict Cumberbatch (again, if you haven't heard of him - I'm disappointed in you). So I illustrated another quote and this one came out better.
Quote by Oscar Wilde.
If you haven't noticed already, the photo quality of my drawings is pretty poor. That's because I draw them, take a picture on Photo Booth, and edit on iPhoto.
I would scan the drawings, but my printer doesn't function properly as a scanner. I'm sowwy -_-

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